This was great but it also had its down sides....Since we started filming later then we had planned, the sounds of the employees getting ready to work were caught in the camera's mic; and the spot we were filming was was really tight so it was hard to film when people were trying to squeeze themselves to the bathroom. But between the two, the biggest problem would have to be the sound. Because our actors were first timers (well at least Nick), they spoke really low and since the background noise was so loud you couldn't hear what the actors were saying. It became difficult since our solution was to wait for the loudest noise to at least settle down before we started filming. Stressing as it was (since we had limited time) we prevailed.
Unfortunately since the camera was huge and I had it over my shoulder, some of the shots looked shaky and others shots were just way to bright. The big window in the back came as an advantage and a disadvantage. Even with white balancing the background came out really light and the Iris either made it so dark that you couldn't see the people or so light that the background appeared as heaven.
Again we used what we could.
The acting was good considering the circumstances in their acting careers (as they have none) and Yana, our female lead, did amazing job in incorporating this character. I enjoyed that she asked many questions about the script, which told me that she was taking this seriously. She asked about why the character felt certain ways and how she would like certain actions to be portrayed. She did an amazing job. Nick did great too, regardless the fact that he never acted before. His personality and character makes him a perfect fit for the screen. I'm so happy that I convinced him to act. I think it was only one scene that we had to keep reshooting because it was a difficult line to portray.
Overall we were able to finish the filming inside the restaurant part of the project right on time, as when we were exiting costumers were just coming in.
The last scene needed to be filmed was outside as we needed the car to look like it was banging.
The solution was have three different people jump into Nick's trunk until we got the shot we be honest....this was the best part.
In the end and we got the scene done. Pleased with the day God has answered my prayers.
Next Step: Editing (Yay!)
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