So we started in the writing after we had the basis of what we wanted to see on screen. This might have been a bad idea since after had everything written down, we had to change most of the shots in order to have a cohesive plot.
I have experience in the screenwriting field and from what I can gather from it is that it is extremely difficult to portray dialogue. In the beginning of the writing process everything, at lest for me, sounds stale and sounds like it can only be spoken by robots. It's extremely difficult and at the beginning of it, I'm always intimidated. By the second draft of the script you begin to have a rhythm with writing and you begin to have the sound you want your characters to have. It's a little funny because if you want your character to have attitude, you yourself have a little kick in the way start to speak. In other words, when you talk you begin to have an attitude. Then by the third draft, you have your little masterpiece. It might be a stretch thinking that only three drafts gets you a masterpiece but here's hoping.
Helpful Hint: When you are writing your script, don't just say it yourself and assume it's fine. oesn't matter if they can act or not, have other people act out the script. Chances are that one of you may catch something stale on the script, giving you a chance to change it.
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